5 – 10 Bar Brewer Unit

10 Bar Brewer Unit

Our highly acclaimed Sigma family range of machines, fitted with high-pressure, bean-to-cup brewer units, have proven to be extremely popular and very well received. 

Many customers have already embraced the optional Italian-designed, 10 bar pressure system that is now available in all machines in our Sigma range, including our ‘Coffee to Go’ tower system. Drinks quality is excellent which is helping our operators’ customers to sell even more drinks at premium pricing.

Don’t worry, we won’t leave you to just ‘get on with it’! Upon receipt of your first high-pressure unit from us, we will provide support in setting up and the necessary training needed to help you comfortably understand, and technically support, this new feature.


We have introduced a number of small changes to the very popular bean-to-cup Primo machines to further improve drink quality, which are as follows:

  • Inverted brewer unit – eliminates that ‘last shot’ of coffee dispensed; the brewer unit recognises when the vacuum in the system was previously released.
  • 230V brewer drive unit replaces previous 24V – much quieter in operation than the original 24V version.
  • New mixing system for milk/chocolate station – new whipper motor has a 4mm whipper shaft that reduces wear on whipper base seal.  The system now has only one integral shaft as opposed to two, which improves lifetime reliability. The whipper motor speed is now also programmable to improve/differentiate milk foam between coffee drink types.

Please note that these items have new part numbers to the original Primo BTC machines and are not retrofittable. Previous Primo ‘Recipe Settings’ from the original machines cannot be cloned via the SD Card to the new version because of the new brewer and whipper motor introductions.

Sigma Touch screens:

It is important for operators to regularly clean the screen with a suitable screen cleaning product – not a glass cleaner or polish. It is equally important not to spray any cleaner directly onto the screen as drips or runs of the product can harbour dirt behind the gasket of the screen, affecting screen sensitivity. We advise that the screen is removed and the perimeter of the screen be cleaned to avoid these problems with screen sensitivity.

A touchscreen cleaning kit including a can of foam spray and a pack of 25 micro-fibre cloths is available, quoting part number 9199621.  The spray should be applied directly to a micro-fibre cloth and then used to wipe the screen.

Encore Boiler Switches:

We recently had to replace the Encore boiler fill switch as the original we used is no longer manufactured. Whilst our original internal and field trial tests of the recommended alternative, despite the necessity to reform the actuator, proved successful, we have recently received reports of ‘Error 58’ events (under-temperature) on a few machines. 

Having investigated, we have found that due to the actuator formation necessary, in a limited few machines, it may be possible for the ‘Heater Protect’ switch to be operated by the boiler float before totally operating the boiler fill switch to replenish the boiler with water. If further vends are not taken within the given timeout it may possibly result in the boiler temperature being monitored as below the requirement to allow a legitimate vend and ‘Error 58’ being reported accordingly.

Internally we have taken the necessary actions in manufacturing to ensure all future supplied machines will not have the possibility of this error.

The field resolution for any machines that are found to experience this error report illegitimately, is to increase the angle of the lower switch actuator by approximately 10 degrees, from 90 to 100 degrees.

We believe we have identified all of the machines where this error occurred, however if you are experiencing any problems of this nature, please let us know.

Polite Reminder:

For all technical helpline enquiries we do ask that engineers call our main switchboard on 01626 323100 and not directly to mobile numbers; we log all calls to monitor trends and identify training needs.Your call will be transferred to someone available to assist.

Also, as previously advised, Easy 5000, Snacktime & Otis machines are now obsolete and therefore technical support is unfortunately no longer available on these models.

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